Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You're Not Alone in Your Recovery from Adultery

Every week I get more and more emails from men and women trying to survive this process of recovery from adultry. You are not alone and you all have experiences and support to offer to each other. If I could get you all in a room together I can just imagine the help and healing that might happen. In fact one of my emailers who has been struggling with breaking off an affair has found help through chatting with a husband who was cheated on. We could all help each other.

If you feel brave, leave a comment here-discuss what is happening with you. If you feel not so brave make an alias and do it anyway :). Or go to the Support board linked in the sidebar. Its not that active but I think that is in part because we hide so much from what we did.

I started this blog to face what I did, I called it Peering Into Darkness at first, but gradually felt like it was instead leading me to the light.

If you're feeling REALLY brave, write your own blog and let me know (you can still have an alias).

And as always I invite people to be guest bloggers here.

So reach out to one another-help each other.


prodigaldaughter said...

It is hard to find a sight with the kindness expressed here for the offending spouse.Finding this sight was a real blessing for me and I hope to gain strength for the fight and be able to strengthen others as we struggle to put it all back together again.Thank you.

Scarlett Hester said...

Thanks for being brave :) I'm glad we're being helpful. Husband and I plan to write more frequently so I hope you'll keep visiting.

Denial Is My Happy Place said... know I am a work in progress and I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate you and all your honesty with me.

Scarlett Hester said...

I am always happy to be there for you whenever you need me :)

~Becca~ said...

Today makes day 24 since I told my husband. I have good days and bad, just like my husband. Today was a survival day. I breathed in and I breathed out again, and I missed "the other" like crazy. I even picked up the phone to call him twice. That was the first time that had happened since the revelation of events. I really, really love my husband and want to make this work. What is going on with me? Why now? Anyways....I just needed to get that out. Pray for me, and I'll pray for all of you.

Scarlett Hester said...


you're in my prayers. Good for you staying strong in those weak moments. Its hard to go through what you're going through right now. You're in the thick of the storm and you just need to keep treading water and keep moving toward shore.

If you're not going to counseling I really recommending looking into it.

Take care and I'll be thinking about you