Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm still here

I am, really- I think about everyone out there that is going through the awful trauma that is caused by infidelity. I'm so busy right now, three kids-one a baby, working full time and a husband that has a demanding job. Its hard.

Husband and I are especially disconnected right now. There is never enough time in the day, night, weekend. It doesn't help that Husband only gets every other weekend off. And I'm post-partum and tired and that makes me SUPER crabby.

But we still love each other and when I feel stressed or worried I remember that I made it through something quite awful with Husband and that no matter what happens in my life that if I survived that I can survive this.

But I'd still very much like a nap. ...sigh.


Denial Is My Happy Place said...

I understand how crazy it all is..I have 4 kids of my own! I really miss your writing though. Just thought I'd let you know I'm thinking of you.

Scarlett Hester said...

thanks for thinking of me, I've been wondering how your thing turned out- if everything went ok.
