Tuesday, December 16, 2008

And Time Stretches On...

I hate this time of year. Husband works retail and is gone 6 days a week for very long hours. We all get crabby this time of year. The house starts to look like a hell hole and I stop being patient and kind mommy. I get crabby with my monkeys.

Littlest Monkey, who will be 3 in April, has begun biting at daycare. Biting has coincided with the Christmas shopping season. He's bitten 4 times since Thanksgiving. I guess on Friday he bit one little girl rather hard and her father became very upset. Now daycare wants to kick out Littlest Monkey. Without a conference or problem solving session or anything. I'm just beside myself worrying about it. And I feel deeply responsible because I've been responding poorly to the things he does and the way he acts. It just makes it worse.

So I'm heading into the darkest part of the forest, the last leg of this mile, because I only have 2 more weeks to last...I'm really beginning to hate Christmas...

Husband is right about all of this though, we have been through so much worse. If we survived an affair we will work out something with daycare. It shouldn't be such a big deal except I feel like its a big part my fault and I worry about him adjusting.

In a time where everyone has so many worries about life. Money, marriages, jobs and illness...my little worry seems small. So I guess I just need to buck up and stop obsessing. And pray for everything to work out, as it always does for me, and pray for those who are worse off than me.


Denial Is My Happy Place said...

I pray the weight you feel will lift soon and that you will feel God's presence as we celebrate Christ's birth. We humans have commercialized a sacred event and Satan has a way of wearing us down with all the pressures and what can seem like insurmountable problems. Your Little Monkey's biting is NOT your fault and has nothing to do with your past sin....he's a kid. Kids do things that are naughty sometimes. You have the right idea---focus on others...and pray and leave the troubles and worries in God's hands. Look at your family...I mean, really look at them. Your kids have a Mom and Dad that walked through a deep, dark valley and came out better on the other side---soooo much to be grateful for!! I'll keep you in my prayers and hope you'll make it through this season...and find joy in the midst of it all! And...spray a little vinegar in Littlest Monkey's mouth the next time he bites!!

Scarlett Hester said...

Thanks for your great comment! Since the biting happened and Had a lot of time to think about how I'd been reacting to Little Monkey lately I changed my behavior and he has gotten a lot better!

We talk about good guys and bad guys and hurting and helping and protecting and keeping people safe. He seems to be getting it.

I have tried "bite medicine" and he doesn't like it at all... and he has been less and less physical during his moments of frustration so I think everything is falling into place. I actually feel pretty good right now, aside from having a stomach bug.

Hope all is well with you

Denial Is My Happy Place said...

Things are going much better...I'll email you and fill you in.
Ya know...all Mom's should remember to stop and look at themselves and their own actions and reactions to things when their little ones are acting up--you are on top of it if you recognize something in yourself and change that before you can help to change Little Monkey's!!

Scarlett Hester said...

Glad to hear things are going well :) I'll watch for your email.