Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Can't Sleep

Occasionally, when husband gets up extra early for work, I find myself unable to sleep. I toss and turn and listen to the radio, but I don't go back to sleep.

This morning I thought a lot about my need to remake myself. It was imperative for me to become someone different from the woman who drifted into the arms of another. I wanted to be far from her as much as possible.

But I think that focus is a bit dense on my part. I think when I suddenly fell in love with my husband I became someone I never was before already. Being a person in love changes you. Being a person who is half a relationship built on real love and respect is completely different than before.

Not that I allow myself to be defined by my relationship. Actually, I guess that is what I'm trying to do with the whole re-making. That part is for me. I want to feel strong inside and out, I want to be able to do battle if I need to. Not that I think I'll have to knock down with Orcs any time soon. But I want to feel strong and confident all over.

For the last decade my confidence was always faked. My body and skin was a weight that pulled me down and kept me weak and small, even if I didn't seem to be that way. I want to like myself all over, not just me inside, but all of me.

I deserve that.

And on the topic of deserve. Wow, that is a hard word for me to use. Society tells me I deserve scorn and humiliation. My mind told me the same thing for months after the "accident". But I've been blessed to have found a wonderful therapist that gets constantly on me to let go of those thoughts (and Husband usually joins his band wagon).

They say I deserve Grace and Love and Forgiveness. I am only human and I made a mistake. I have repented. What I deserve is to move on and to live my life to the full. My heart deserves to be whole and I deserve to love myself and my life.

1 comment:

Momisodes said...

You do deserve to live your life to the fullest :)

I'm not sure if I'm the person you mention in the post before about commenting. I'm so glad you stopped by, but even more thankful you left your link. Don't worry, your anonymity is safe with me :) I often worry as well who will find me in the blogosphere.